- WV 2-1-1 Hotline – United Way of Southern West Virginia (unitedwayswv.org) (Assistance information)
- MODIFY | Center for Excellence in Disabilities (cedwvu.org) (resources for after foster care)
- It’s My Move – My Decision (itsmymove.org) (Resources for all)
- The Center Youth Opportunity Hub | Our services | Harmony House (harmonyhousewv.com)
- FOSTER CARE TRANSITION TOOLKIT (ed.gov) (Toolkit that provides amazing resources to all aspects of transitioning out of foster care)
- findhelp.org by findhelp – Search and Connect to Social Care (website you can find any type of local resource you need)
- Bureau for Family Assistance Programs (wv.gov) (information on assistance programs in west Virginia )
(Find additional resources by category in the “RESOURCES” dropdown menu.)