Navigating Social Services

What is Modify:
Modify provides extended services to youth transitioning out of foster care between the ages of 18-26 to help establish independence and provide access to resources. Modify can provide support with education, training, financial support, medical insurance, and other transitioning needs. 

Reach out to Modify representative staff for any questions: 
Staff | Center for Excellence in Disabilities (

Cabell County Modify Representative:
Rhonda L. Bills Modify Community Support Specialist, Office (304) 528-5821

How Modify Has Helped Other People:

Housing Assistance Information:

Overview of Modify: 
Overview of MODIFY Services (

Modify Eligibly Map: 
Determining Eligibility and Readiness for the MODIFY Program (

Modify Eligibility Flow Chart: 
modify-flow-chart-document.pdf (

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