LevelUp Course Inventory

Daily Life Skills

WVAdultEd Life Skills courses

The WVAdultEd Life Skills courses prepare students for success by teaching lessons on critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, accountability, ethics, professionalism, productivity, time management, money management, communication, and searching for living-wage employment.

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)

Project Life: Life Skills Curriculum

Youth Skills for LIFE is the independent living skills curriculum compiled by Project LIFE for young people who are in need of learning, enhancing, or supporting life skills to effectively transition into adulthood. Skills list include; Career Preparation, Health and Nutrition, Money Management, Education, Housing and Home Management, and Risk Prevention. (This courses list activities to lead and present to others however, it is beneficial to work through independently as well.)

https://www.vaprojectli fe.org/life-skillscurriculum/

Self-Care Skills

Music as a Creative Intervention

Educational Videos that show the best practices with music interventions that can help positively change your everyday life.

Music Intervention
Creative Interventions Handout

Self-Care for Helping Professionals (Webinar)

In this webinar, Morgan Duffy-Simpson, Teen Pregnancy Prevention Educator at Mission West Virginia with her BSW, will discuss why helping professions tend to be at a higher burnout rate than other professions, what to do when burnout occurs, and how to find joy in our work again. Learning Objectives:

Objective 1: Learn why burnout is so common amongst our professional fields. Objective 2: Learn how to save ourselves from burnout. Objective 3: Learn how to rest in a helpful way.

Mission WV:
Self-Care for Helping Professionals

For questions email: rwhite@missionwv.org

Culinary Arts and Nutrition as a Creative Intervention

Educational Videos that show the best practices with culinary arts and nutrition interventions that can help positively change your Everyday life.

Culinary Arts and Nutrition Interventions
Creative Interventions Handout

Yoga and Mindfulness

Educational Videos that show the best practices with Yoga and mindfulness interventions that can help positively change your Everyday life.

Yoga and Mindfulness Interventions
Creative Interventions Handout

Gardening and Nature

Educational Videos that show the best practices with Gardening and Nature interventions that can help positively change your Everyday life.

Gardening and Nature Interventions
Creative Interventions Handout


Educational Videos that show the best practices with the use of pets as interventions that can help positively change your Everyday life.

Pets as an Intervention
Creative Interventions Handout

Burnout Prevention for Helping Professionals (Webinar)

In this webinar, Morgan Duffy-Simpson, Youth Support Advocate at Mission West Virginia with her MSW, will discuss why helping professionals tend to be at a higher burnout rate than other professions, what to do when burnout occurs, and how to find joy in our work again. Learning Objectives:

Objective 1: Learn why burnout is so common amongst helping professionals’ fields Objective 2: Learn how to cope when burnout occurs
Objective 3: Learn how to rest in a helpful way

Mission WV:
Burnout Prevention

For questions email: rwhite@missionwv.org

Relationships and Communication

Healthy Relationship (Webinar)

This webinar would equip participants to identify healthy versus unhealthy relationships, the forms of dating abuse that youth experience, understand how frequently youth disclose abuse and the factors that impact disclosure and develop a safety plan.

1. Healthy vs unhealthy relationships
2. Science of the brain chemicals
3. Defining different types of relationship abuse and factors that are associated with a higher likelihood of experiencing violence in relationships
4. Strategies on how to set boundaries and stay safe in relationships and what resources are available

Mission WV:
Healthy Relationships

For questions email: rwhite@missionwv.org

Housing, Money Management, and Transportation

Money Essentials Certificate

Money Essentials is an online, selfpaced course that teaches students how to take control of their money and their financial situation. This course is perfect for the high school equivalency candidate, as well as adults who have their high school diploma, but may not have the skills needed to be successful at managing their money. This course contains over 20 lessons, activities, and quizzes in four units:

Financial Goals

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)


Money Management

The goal of the Money Management course is to help better understand banking and manage your finances. After participating in the course you will:

  • Understand the difference between want and need in spending
  • Find out about credit scores and why they are important
  • Learn the importance of saving and avoiding debt
  • Achieve financial stability and independence in the future

Money Management

Work and Study Life

Bring your “A” Game to Work

Bring your “A” Game to Work is a curriculum offered by the Center for Work Ethic Development that focuses on seven attributes employers seek: attitude, attendance, appearance, ambition, accountability, acceptance, and appreciation. Students completing the 40+ hour course will earn a Certificate for Work Ethic Proficiency.

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)


Through the Customer’s Eyes 1

Through the Customer’s Eyes 1 is an online program with interactions to demonstrate right and wrong ways to manage service situations. Participants progress through modules that cover core customer service knowledge and skills: Why Customer Service Matters, What Customers Want, Essential Customer Service Skills, Handling Complaints and Dealing with Angry People.

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)


Through the Customer’s Eyes 2

Through the Customer’s Eyes 2 expands on the essential core skills with additional training modules to raise the participant’s customer service performance. These areas are Sales Skills, Communication Skills, and Phone Skills.

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)


Work Essentials Certificate

Work Essentials is an online, self-paced course designed to help students build the employability skills they need to enter the workforce. The evolving skills demanded in today’s workplace can make it challenging for educators to keep their students motivated to pursue their career goals. This instructional content focuses on what today’s employers want from new hires and prepares students to navigate their own job search, become valued employees, and advance in their careers. Each module keeps students invested by rewarding their work with digital badges and certifications that recognize their accomplishments. This course is perfect for adult students struggling to find better employment opportunities.

The Work Essential Modules:

Job Seeking: Uniquely designed to help students learn the essential skills needed for a job search that will help them find work. Job Ready: Curated lessons to prepare students with the high-demand work habits employers are looking for in new hires. Job Keeping: Specifically structured to help students turn into valued employees excel and advance in their careers.

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)


Computer Essentials Achievement Certificate

Computer Essentials is an online, self-paced digital literacy course that teaches students the computer and internet skills they need. Students learn important skills for testing on a computer, taking college-level courses, performing in today’s workplace, and staying safe online. Using built-in assessments, the adaptive learning system creates a personalized learning plan for each student, bypassing skills they have already mastered. This course fully aligns with IC3 GS6 level 1 targets and contains over 110 lessons, activities, and assessments in three units: Computing Fundamentals, Key Applications & Information, and Living Online.

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)


Creating Accessible Presentations and Documents (Webinar)

This webinar will assist individuals in learning how to be accessible and take additional steps to ensure that documents and presentations are fully accessible.

Participants will be able to identify at least three features of Microsoft PowerPoint and Word that address accessibility. Participants will be able to list at least three characteristics of text that make a presentation more accessible. Participants will be able to demonstrate how to create alt text/tags in Microsoft PowerPoint and Word.

Mission WV:
Creating Accessible Presentations

For questions email: rwhite@missionwv.org

Career and Education Planning

Edgenuity online learning

Edgenuity online learning offers courses to prepare students for exams such as the WorkKeys, ASVAB, ACT, and ACCUPLACER. It also offers courses to introduce students to a variety of career pathways such as education, healthcare, agricultural sciences, engineering, criminal justice, counseling, psychology, and more. If you would like to learn more about a field to see if it interests you, Edgenuity is a great place to start.

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)


WVAdultEd TEAS Prep

The WVAdultEd TEAS Prep course prepares students for entry into a healthcare field that requires the TEAS nursing entrance exam. Many of the nursing, sonography, and veterinary technology programs in the state require the TEAS exam for entry.

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)


Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)

Microsoft Office Specialist is a primary function in today’s job market. These certifications cover the entire Microsoft Office Suite.

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)


Microsoft Digital Literacy

Microsoft Digital Literacy is a basic introduction to working in the digital world covering topics ranging from working with computers to creating digital content to collaborating digitally. Six learning paths are included with knowledge checks completed at the end of each to earn a certificate.

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)


Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3)/GS6

Internet and Computing Core Certification provides the participants with the foundation of knowledge required for the use of computer and internet. Students must receive a passing score on three separate exams: » Level 1 » Level 2 » Level 3

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)



CSM Learn helps the student develop deep, practical quantitative reasoning skills, as well as the problem-solving mindsets and confidence to effectively apply mathematical reasoning in a variety of contexts. Accepted by all nine WV community colleges for general math credit!

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)


West Virginia Welcome

West Virginia Welcome was developed via a partnership between West Virginia University’s Hospitality and Tourism Program, West Virginia Department of Education’s HEAT Program, West Virginia Hospitality and Travel Association, and the WVU Extension Service. Successful completers become ambassadors for West Virginia.

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)


Intuit Quickbooks Certification

Intuit Quickbooks Certification ideal for entrepreneurs or those who are working with small businesses. While you may not be an accountant, having full control of the QuickBooks program puts you in position to be a solid bookkeeper. With QuickBooks Online, you can input income and expenses, balance the books, create cost reports, generate reports on various income streams and expenses for the company, and more.

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)


Blood Born Pathogens Certification

Blood Born Pathogens Certification demonstrates the learner knows how to exercise precautions for preventing the transmission of bloodborne pathogens. This involves identifying risk factors and treatment options if unwarranted contact was made.

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)


Serv Safe Certificates

Serv Safe Certificates including: food handler, allergens, and alcohol. These certifications ensure food handlers and servers know state and federal policies, as well keeping customers and guests safe.

Adult Education – West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)


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